Getting up all night? No time to yourself during the day? Putting your toddler back to bed a thousand times a night? Sick of tantrums and hearing “no!” constantly? Considering potty training?
You need answers but don’t know where to start!

Online information about sleep and potty training is confusing and contradicts itself (what is “drowsy but awake” anyway!?

Let me assure you, I have your sleep, behavior, and potty training solutions! My services are designed with one thing in mind – YOUR SLEEP & parenting peace of mind! My success rate is unbelievable and I have ten years of experience.

I am based in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada and can serve tired and frustrated parents all over the world with zoom.

I have over 10 years EXPERIENCE providing coaching to parents

Certified in baby & child sleep by the Family Sleep Institute since 2013

Certified Parent Coach® since 2017

Child Behaviour Specialist with The Early Years of Montreal since 2018

Gentle Potty Coach Provider since 2023

SLEEP SUPPORT PACKAGE – Virtual 90 minutes:

My Most Popular Package

$339 CDN: Intake questionnaire + 90 minute zoom sleep consult + customized sleep plan + two weeks of texting directly with me + two 15 minute calls to keep you on track. Suitable for ages 5 months – 3 years.

PARENT SUPPORT PACKAGE – Virtual 90 minutes:

$239 CDN: For age 3 years and up, to discuss any parenting concerns. This can include sleep training, potty training, sibling rivalry, picky eating, tantrums, gaining general cooperation, etc. Includes an intake form, 90 minute one on one zoom consult, detailed sleep or behaviour plan, and one follow up 15 minute call as needed. We discuss the behaviour plan in detail, and I give you the tools you need to handle anything that comes up.


$399 CDN: Same as the virtual package only in your home. Must be located in Saskatoon; mileage will be added for anything further than Warman or Martensville.


$100 CDN FUNDS: If you are a past client and need help, please book this.


$150 CDN: If you want my advice and guidance on how to implement sleep training, how to troubleshoot naps or bedtime, or how to deal with any general parenting issue (toddlers through preschool/kindergarten age), please book this call. This does not come with any formal materials or follow up support. Suitable for ages 5 months (baby) to kindergarten, issues ranging from sleep to behaviour. 60 minutes one on one zoom call.


$150 CDN: I am a Certified Gentle Potty Coach. This one hour Zoom session will provide an overview of potty training and give specific solutions for your child. An intake form will be sent ahead of time. Includes a recap sent afterwards.

First, the 90-minute consult is booked in by the client online, or we book it in on the 15-minute free call. Payment can be made online during the booking with a credit card. If you prefer e-transfer, please email me first with your preferred time to complete the booking.

Once a consult is booked, I send you the intake questions and a zoom link. We do the consult and you receive a full sleep plan and zoom recordings. Then, when you start the plan is completely up to you. I don’t have an expiry on my support. I support you for a minimum of two weeks to get you all sleeping beautifully! The support is done on Whatsapp with daily texts and two short phone calls that are booked on an as needed basis.

I do all support on Whatsapp and phone calls when necessary. My clients don’t have to fill out sleep logs and I am very responsive with an approachable style. My mission is to support your sleep success and my customer service is second to none!

Kristal Miller, Owner,

Providing excellent sleep consulting services in Saskatchewan and beyond since 2013!